Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An Hour of Fun...

ok, even though i said i would see you next month, why wait?  i have some cute things to show you!  
while my husband took our kids out for the afternoon yesterday, i found myself wandering over to one of my favorite local stores.   i actually never expect to come home with anything because my house needs nothing. 
i repeat nothing.  but that never seems to stop me.
so, for starters, take a look at this. 

i have been looking for something like this for probably five years.  i saw a version of this in a magazine and haven’t been able to forget it.  and with my memory, that’s saying a lot.   they showed this amazing craft/wrapping room, and a wire basket similar to this one holding tall rolls of wrapping paper.  and being a gifter, that made my heart go pitter patter.  but i don’t think mine will hold rolls of wrapping paper because i don’t have an amazing craft/wrapping room.  oh wait. yes, i do -- in my dreams.  so when i decide what function it will serve and, more importantly, where it will go, i’ll let you know.  but in the meantime, it makes me happy.  it was a little pricey, but it was 20% off.  couldn't resist.
five minutes later, i stumbled upon these cute little pins.  $3 each. 

i’ve been thinking of starting a collection of “mom” pins and placing them on a little burlap pillow that i’ll sew.  maybe in october.  but then i saw these, and i thought well, maybe i’ll start a collection of jesus pins too. gotta believe that's not a very hot collectible these days.  i didn’t even know they made them.   
mom and jesus -- the two most important words in my life.
and then i turned the corner and stumbled upon a box of printer’s letters.  i’m sure there’s a fancier name for them, but i don’t know it.  but i do remember using these in seventh grade printing class. i actually remember making horrible clown stationery with my name on it.  but as i recently wrote, i have a thing for letters right now. and for $6 a letter, i couldn’t resist.  
clearly, the "m" saw more ink than the other two.

him -- meaning God.  not ed.  
he'll understand.
and i’m a sucker for old frogs.  especially the green ones.  these were $6 each.  another bargain. but i remember buying 3 for $6 in an antiques store in arroyo grande at christmas.  that made my day.  
some women like to find a tiffany box under the christmas tree.  
i like to find old frogs.
is my husband lucky, or what?
i love putting tiny verses in them and placing them around the house.  
this one sits on our kitchen table:

$6 hydrangea from trader joe's.  
i could have one in every room.  oh wait. 
i do.

and someone i know is turning 52.  when do you ever find a number that says 52?  had to have it.  i think i’ll tie it to the top of his birthday gift. it was $4.

i’m so grateful to have cute little antique stores near me.  i’m finding i want to bring nothing new into my home, but prefer well-loved items that once had a previous life in someone else’s home. 
as i like to say, “out with the new and in with the old.”

and it's even better when i can use those old items
to display my love for God.

see you soon!

Friday, February 18, 2011

get cozy and be still...

i've been asked to speak next month at a bible study.  
i have just 15 minutes to impart to a room full of women
how God prepared me for a life storm.  
and as i sit down to write it, i again know the words
"be still" 
carried me through it.

two years before my diagnsosis, i felt the lord
tapping me on the shoulder and whispering
"be still" into my heart. 

"be still and know that I am God"
psalms 46:10

given my life was anything but still, and knowing
i was chasing after joy and never quite finding it,
i heeded His call.

i came home and closed my business with a friend.
a business i adored. 
i began focusing on my husband and children.
but more importantly, I focused on God.

i attended a bible study for the first time
and found myself studying every morning 
before my kids opened their eyes. 
starting my day with Him became beautiful.

a friend of mine recently shared this book with me. 
it is one of her favorites.
it is one of mine too.
jesus calling is a daily devotional.
it's a daily reminder to begin with Him.
today reads:

"i am with you.  these four words are like a safety net, protecting you from falling into despair.  because you are human, you will always have ups and downs in your life experience.  but the promise of my presence limits how far down you can go.  sometimes you may feel as if you are in a free fall, when people or things you had counted on let you down.  yet as soon as you remember that i am with you, your perspective changes radically.  instead of bemoaning your circumstances, you can look to me for help.  you recall that not only am i with you, i am holding you by your right hand.  i guide you with my counsel, and afterward i will take you into glory.  this is exactly the perspective you need: 
the reassurance of my presence, and the glorious hope of heaven."

that, and a cup of tea, and i'm ready to begin my day.

so since i created this blog to share my home with you, 
let me show you where my day begins.

my favorite corner of my house.
a cozy glider, a foot stool, a cup of pomegranate tea and a basket of books.  
and usually a cat or two on my lap.
(they're currently curled up on a couch as i write this).  

a friend of mine found this beautiful 
oval frame.  my dear dad cut a piece of wood to fit
so i can use it as a chalkboard.  i wrote "welcome"
in it over three years ago and have no desire to erase it.

i moved it onto our dutch door and now 
pretend it's God's welcome sign to me to begin my day.

i bought this table the day my friend and i started our
short and sweet business.  it was $50.  i wasn't quite sure where
to put it.  it now fits perfectly in this corner.

the lampshade was $1 at a thrift store.  the lamp is from 
target.  it reads "no. 5" in beautiful script.  the number five
is special to me, as i like to think it represents the number in
my family - my husband, myself, my two children and God.

i found this teacup on sale at anthropologie.  22 is also a special number.
it was my husband's basketball number in high school and is now
my son's baseball number.

like so many of us right now, i love anything with letters and numbers.

i found this sweet little stool at a store for $10.
i was shopping with a girlfriend when i spotted it.  
i loved it, but thought i didn't need it.  so i didn't buy it.
of course, after i left the store, i had to have it.  don't you hate that?
so i called her (thankfully she was still there) and  asked her to get it for me.  
i still owe her the $10!
(if she ever invites us over for that italian dinner 
she promised to make us, she'll get it.  hint hint).

and my sweet little pillow from pottery barn.
i think it is meant to be a christmas decoration, but i
love it all year long.  

"you have done so much for me, o Lord.  no wonder i am glad! 
i sing for joy."

psalms 92:4

so this is where i begin my day.
and sometimes, it is where i close my day.
with Him.

do you begin your day with God?
do you have a favorite book to share?
a favorite verse?

if you do, i would love you to leave a comment
and share it with all of us!

see you next month.

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