Friday, July 1, 2011

Grab a Stick of Chalk...

i admit i learned very little in school.
maybe at the time i did, but i sure don't remember any of it.
i know that because i can barely help my kids do third and fifth grade math.  
they don't cry when doing fractions.  
i do.

and history isn't my strong suit either.
as i was driving my kids to vbs this morning, i was listening to our local christian radio station.  they were talking about the recent removal by nbc of the words "one nation, under god..." from the telecast of the u.s. open golf tournament. 
they then started talking about what the 
fourth of july really stands for.

not backyard bbqs.
not hometown parades.
and not cute flags scattered throughout your front yard.
(though i am guilty of that!)

they reminded me that the fourth of july stands for 
religious freedom.
and if my memory serves, many left england to worship freely.
they left the comforts of home to pray publicly.
and they crossed the atlantic to put down roots with 
God as their foundation.

the other day, i was cleaning out my car.
more accurately, i was removing the zillions of yellow dog hairs from the charcoal interior of my car.  with a roll of masking tape.  
a very large roll of masking tape.

and as i turned around, rachel said to me,
 "mom, look what i drew."

and that's what the fourth of july is all about.
the freedom to write "the mareks love jesus" on a sidewalk
in front of your house.

happy 4th of july! 
what a very, very special holiday we are free to celebrate.

and to all of those who have left their families and the comforts of home
to serve and protect this precious country of ours, 

your service will never be forgotten.

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